Datasets // San Juan
SpaceNet AOI 9 – San Juan
Catalog ID: 104001002B3BB400
Image Time: 2017-04-05
Download Instructions
To view the contents of the dataset
aws s3 cp s3://spacenet-dataset/spacenet/SN5_roads/tarballs/SN5_roads_test_public_AOI_9_San_Juan.tar.gz .
SpaceNet Simple Storage Service (S3) Directory Structure (AOI 9)
├── AOI_9_San_Juan
│ ├── MS # Tiled geotiffs of 8-Band Multi-Spectral raster data from WorldView-3
│ ├── PAN # Tiled geotiffs of Panchromatic raster data from Worldview-3
│ ├── PS-MS # Tiled geotiffs of 8-Band Multi-Spectral raster data pan-sharpened to 0.3m
│ ├── PS-RGB # Tiled 8-bit color-corrected geotiffs of RGB raster data from Worldview-3 pan-sharpened to 0.3m
San Juan // Roads Dataset Resources
AOI 9 – San Juan – Road Network Extraction Training
The path to the processed ~400mx400m tiles of AOI 9 with associated road network labels for training is: