

Datasets // Shanghai

SpaceNet AOI 4 – Shanghai

Catalog ID: 104001000C924900
Image Time: 2015-06-06T02:35:27Z

Download Instructions

To download the contents of the challenge dataset

aws s3 cp s3://spacenet-dataset/spacenet/SN3_roads/tarballs/SN3_roads_train_AOI_4_Shanghai_geojson_roads_speed.tar.gz . aws s3 cp s3://spacenet-dataset/spacenet/SN3_roads/tarballs/SN3_roads_train_AOI_4_Shanghai.tar.gz . aws s3 cp s3://spacenet-dataset/spacenet/SN2_buildings/tarballs/SN2_buildings_train_AOI_4_Shanghai.tar.gz .

SpaceNet Simple Storage Service (S3) Directory Structure (AOI 4)

└── AOI_4_Shanghai
    ├── MS             # Raw source geotiffs of 8-Band Multi-Spectral raster data from WorldView-3
    ├── PS-MS          # Raw source geotiffs and COGs of 8-Band Multi-Spectral raster data pansharpened to 0.3m
    ├── PAN            # Raw source geotiffs of Panchromatic raster data from Worldview-3
    ├── PS-RGB         # Raw source geotiffs of RGB raster data from Worldview-3 pansharpened to 0.3m
    ├── metadata       # Collect metadata in .XML format
    └── misc	       # SpaceNet 2 challenge tarballs


Shanghai // Roads Dataset Resources

AOI 4 – Shanghai – Road Network Extraction Training

To download processed 400mx400m tiles of AOI 4 (25 GB) with associated building footprints for training do the following:

aws s3 cp s3://spacenet-dataset/spacenet/SN3_roads/tarballs/SN3_roads_train_AOI_4_Shanghai.tar.gz . 

AOI 4 – Shanghai – Road Network Extraction Testing

To download processed 400mx400m tiles of AOI 4 (8.1 GB) for testing do:

aws s3 cp s3://spacenet-dataset/spacenet/SN3_roads/tarballs/SN3_roads_test_public_AOI_4_Shanghai.tar.gz . 

Shanghai // Buildings Dataset Resources

AOI 4 – Shanghai –  Building Extraction Training

To download processed 200mx200m tiles of AOI 4 (23.4 GB) with associated building footprints for training do the following:

aws s3 cp s3://spacenet-dataset/spacenet/SN2_buildings/tarballs/SN2_buildings_train_AOI_4_Shanghai.tar.gz . 

AOI 4 – Shanghai – Building Extraction Testing

To download processed 200mx200m tiles of AOI 4 (7.7 GB) for testing do:

aws s3 cp s3://spacenet-dataset/spacenet/SN2_buildings/tarballs/AOI_4_Shanghai_test_public.tar.gz .